Pastoral visit of His Grace Bishop Maxim to the faithful of Seattle

On September 23 and 24, 2017, on 16th Sunday after Pentecost, His Grace Bishop Maxim visited both Parishes in Seattle: The Holy Protection of the Theotokos in South Park and St. Sava Parish in Issaquah.

On Saturday evening, Bishop Maxim officiated the Great Vespers Service at the Church of Holy Protection together with local priest Fr. Serafim Gascoigne and Fr. Zoran Aleksic from St. Sava Church. After the Vespers, parishioners prepared diner and a warm welcome for their Bishop.

On Sunday morning, the clergy and the faithful greeted Bishop Maxim at St. Sava Church in Issaquah, and with the ringing of bells and singing of hymns together entered the Church. Bishop Maxim presided over the Holy Liturgy concelebrated by guest priests, Very Rev. Serafim Gascoigne, Very Rev. Vidoslav Vujasin from Portland, and Rev. Zoran Aleksic. The responses at the Liturgy were sung by the Parish Choir led by Choir Director Dejan Subotic. The Church was overflowing with faithful from both Parishes, and many children and people partook of the Holy Communion. During the sermon, Bishop Maxim invited all to receive the message of the Liturgy and to allow the grace of God to work within ourselves, so that at the end, as a sign of God’s mercy, we can receive His own life within us, and to live not only with the Word of God, but also with His own life offered to us through the Holy Eucharist.

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That afternoon, Bishop Maxim also met with the members of the Feasibility Analysis committee who presented to His Grace the research that they have done considering possibilities of building a new Church.    

End of School year at St. Sava Serbian Language School

School year 2016-2017 at St. Sava Serbian Language School concluded on Sunday, June 4th, 2017, with a wonderful program students prepared.

The year started in September 2016 with 60 children attending five classes, divided by age and present proficiency in Serbian language. The classes commence with the youngest preschool age kids and go all the way to the oldest, near-adulthood students. During the year, studies centered around anything and everything Serbian, from traditional kids’ songs and games, to Cyrillic letters and grammar, to the literary work analysis by classical Serbian authors.

The program wrapping up 2016-2017 school year presented a famous poem by Laza Kostic, “Santa Maria Della Salute,” a musical program, a skit “Deda i repa” and a two-act theatrical play, Our Class, which the students created and presented themselves.

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St. Sava Serbian School motto—it is all about the community: community engagement and work together, a sense of belonging and care for each other, which enhances everyone’s happiness and sense of worth.

Patronal Feast Day Celebration in Seattle

On the Seventh Sunday after Pascha, parishioners of St. Sava Church in Seattle celebrated their Patronal Feast Day- Transfer of the Relics of St. Sava. Episcopal Dean, Very Rev. Vidoslav Vujasin from Portland served the Divine Liturgy together with parish priest Rev. Zoran Aleksic. After reading of the Holy Gospel, addressing the faithful, Fr. Vidoslav spoke of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus and about our role in the Church as God’s chosen.

Festive Liturgy was attended by Orthodox faithful from Seattle and few families from Portland who came for Slava celebration with their priest. After the traditional Slava Procession around the Church, the prayer for the departed founders and stewards of the Church was read, and then Fr. Serafim from the Church of Holy Protection from Seattle blessed and cut the Kolac (Slava Bread) wishing everyone blessed and happy Slava. The Slava Kumovi, Nenad and Branka Vujic, with their children Tajana and Daniel, have prepared a festive and delicate Slava lunch for everyone.

This joyful and sunny day in Seattle was embellished by performance of the orchestra and choir of the youngest participants of the Church School, as well as the parish folklore group “Bozuri”. After the program, Svirci, a bend from our parish, played a selection of traditional Serbian songs until late afternoon and contributed to the remembrance of this day for a long time.

Schedule for Resurrection

Great Friday, 4/14/2017
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Entombment Lamentations at 6pm

Great Saturday, 4/15/2017
Divine Liturgy at 10 am
Pascal Procession at 11:30 pm

Resurrection, 4/16/2017
Pascal Vespers and lunch at 12 pm

Bright Monday, 4/17/2017
Divine Liturgy at 9 am


Ikona Sv. SaveDear Brothers and Sisters,

We would like to invite you to join us for our St. Sava Banquet which will be held on the
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Our children from the Sunday School prepared a recital and hymns in honor of St. Sava, and after the traditional dinner, our “Svirci” will be in charge of the entertainment part of the program.

Join us to show support to our children and to celebrate the life and work of St. Sava as the Enlightener of Serbian people.

Also, on Sunday, January 29, we will serve Holy Liturgy and bless the Slava Bread at 10 am. Festive lunch will start at 12 pm. This year Slava Kumovi are Nenad and Branka Vujic.
Everyone is welcome.


Saturday, January 28, Russian Community Center
6 pm -6.30 pm – Refreshments
6.30 pm -7.15 pm Children’s Recital
7.15 pm -11 pm Diner and Live Music

Russian Community Center
704 19 th Ave. E, Seattle, 98112

Sunday, January 29, St. Sava Church
10 am – Divine Liturgy
12 pm Blessing of the Slava Bread and Lunch

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Zoran Aleksic
And the Church Board


Jan 6, Friday – Christmas Eve
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6.00 p.m. – Festal Vespers and Blessing of Badnjak
7.00 p.m. – Traditional Meal

Jan 7, Saturday – Feast of the Nativity of Christ our Savior
10.00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
6.00 p.m. – Festal Vespers

Jan 8, Sanday – Second Day of Christmas – Feast of the Theotokos
10.00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
6.00 p.m. – Festal Vespers

Jan 9, Monday – Third Day of Christmas – Feast of Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen
9.00 AM – Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Patronal Feast Celebration in Eugine, OR

“Када посетите неко место, ваша посета, у ствари, почиње онда када га напустите, јер тада то место почиње да посећује вас”!

Овим речима оца и Владике Максима, упућеним синовима и кћерима Православне Цркве, дакле Народу Божијем, сабраном при храму Светог Јована Шангајског, Санфанцисканског и Свеправославног, започела је посета Светог и Великог Сабора Православне Цркве, недавно одржаног на Криту, Литургијским Заједницама широм Васељене.

И како “Дух дише где хоће“ те се, стога, не може планирати нити предвидети Његово дејство, процес рецепције Сабора започео је, Промислом Божијим, не тамо где бисмо по људској логици то очекивали, у великим црквеним центрима или при епархијским катедрама близу Крита, већ у географскиједној од најудаљенијих парохија, у маленом градићу Јуџину, у Јужном Орегону, и у маленој Парохији која је са својим Предстојатељем и оцем, Владиком Максимом, славила своју парохијску славу, у суботу 02. јула 2016-те године.

Свети Јован Шангајски, као истински “Homo Universalis”, или можемо са правом рећи и “свечовек” (како je СветиАва Јустин називао Достојевског), пројавио је изнова ту своју васељенску димензију, у суботу у Јуџину, када је сабрао у красоти, благољепију и љубави (Пс.132:1) браћу и сестре различитих националности као и свештенослужитеље из различитих јурисдикција. Ова његова универзалност последица је, свакако, његовог целоживотног уподобљавања Богочовеку Христу и отварања себе, како је наш Владика Максим у својој беседи и напоменуо, за Духа Светога, радосном потчињавању вољи Његовој као и смиреном и пожртвованом служењу Цркви Божијој.

Након Свете Евхаристије, кaо Иконe Царства“будућих добара”, али и његовог живог оприсутњења“овде и сада”, уследио је славски банкет за око 150 присутних учесника овог небо-земног славља.

А онда, спонтано и без претходног планирања (најлепше ствари и догађаји најчешће тако и настају), Владика Максим је, у надахнутом обраћању, пренео своје импресије и делић атмосфере са недавно завршеног Великог и Светог Сабора (Αγία και Μεγάλη Σύνοδος) на Криту. И баш као што и само значење речи “Σύνοδος” (заједничко путовање) наговештава, Народ Божији, сапутници на путовању ка Небеској Отаџбини, показали су живо и непатворено интересовање за Сабор са свешћу да је он провера, усмерење и орјентир нашег путовања по узбурканом мору овога света.

Уследила су бројна питања на тему поста, јурисдикције, саборских процедура, рецепције саборских аката итд.
У земљи где је време јако драгоцено, вољом “свише”,као да је стало! Нико није журио, деца су се играла не тражећи пажњу својих родитеља која је је, уместо на њих, била усмерена на теме од животног значаја. Тишина и свештени трпет доминирали су окружењем. А како и не би? Сабор нас је посетио!


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The-Entrance-of-Our-Lord-Jesus-Christ-into-Jerusalem-Sunday-before-PaschaOn the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most joyous feasts of the year. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem following His glorious miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Having anticipated His arrival and having heard of the miracle, the people when out to meet the Lord and welcomed Him with displays of honor and shouts of praise. On this day, we receive and worship Christ in this same manner, acknowledging Him as our King and Lord.

Palm Sunday is celebrated with the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, which is preceded by the Matins service. A Great Vespers is conducted on Saturday evening according to the order prescribed in the Triodion.

On this Sunday, in addition to the Divine Liturgy, the Church observes the Blessing and Distribution of the Palms. A basket containing the woven palm crosses is placed on a table in front of the icon of the Lord, which is on the Iconostasion. . The palms are then distributed to the faithful. In many places today, the prayer is said at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, before the apolysis. The text of the prayer, however, indicates clearly that it is less a prayer for the blessing of the palms, even though that is its title, and more a blessing upon those, who in imitation of the New Testament event hold palms in their hands as symbols of Christ’s victory and as signs of a virtuous Christian life. It appears then, that it would be more correct to have the faithful hold the palms in their hands during the course of the Divine Liturgy when the Church celebrates both the presence and the coming of the Lord in the mystery of the Eucharist.