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To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

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Српска школа

Српска школа

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

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Serbian Children Fastival June 22nd 2019

Serbian Children Fastival June 22nd 2019

This is the first event of 2019th Serbian Days festival. Join us for fun community event celebrating rich cultural heritage and our children's amazing talents.

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Traditional Christmas chess tournamen

Traditional Christmas chess tournament will be organized on Saturday 12/28/2013 at Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Issaquah.

Please join us in enjoying one of the world’s oldest and most popular intellectual games. Everyone is encouraged to participate, regardless how old they are and how proficient chess players they are. Previous tournament was very successful – everyone present was in great mood, good chess was played and many participants are inquiring about date of this year’s tournament.


Tournament will start at 11 AM on Saturday 12/28/2013. It will end at approximately 3 PM.
6 rounds will be played.
Chess clocks will be used. Each player will be allotted 10 minutes per game.
Registration fee is $20. Children under 18 participate for free.
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Registration fee covers lunch.
Participants are being asked to bring their chess equipment, if possible at all (chess clocks are especially needed).

You can register for the tournament by sending an email to dejan@outlook.com or by calling Dejan Subotic at (425)444-4595. Please register as soon as possible, so that organizers can plan amount of food that will be needed.

Feel free to forward this message to anyone that might be interested.

For the organizational committee,
Dejan Subotic

Традиционални Божићни шаховски турнир – субота 28. децембар 2013‏

У суботу 28. децембра одржаће се у цркви Светог Саве у Исакви традиционални Божићни шаховски турнир.

Дођите да се дружимо и уживамо у једној од најстаријих и најпопуларнијих интелектуалних игара на свијету. Сви играчи добре воље су добро дошли, без обзира на узраст и шаховско знање. Прошли турнир је био веома успјешан – сви присутни су били одлично расположени, играо се добар шах и многи питају када је турнир ове године.


Турнир почиње у 11 сати прије подне у суботу 28. децембра 2013. Завршиће се око 3 сата поподне.
Турнир ће имати 6 кола.
Игра се на сат и вријеме по играчу за сваку партију ће бити 10 минута.
Регистрација по играчу је $20. За дјецу до 18 година учешће је бесплатно.
Сав приход ће бити намијењен изградњи нове цркве.
Цена регистрације укључује ручак.
Nowhere tablet is a drug produced cheap no prescription viagra by the Indian company Ajanta Pharma. Some are in rocky relationships and you need to avoid those purchase female viagra situations at all costs. In numerous cases, there is a physical ability of a man where he fails to get or maintain and erection during sexual intercourse. free samples levitra Enhanced semen volume is necessary for enjoying improved sexual pleasure in lovemaking. cheapest cialis prices Моле се сви учесници да понесу своје шаховске гарнитуре (нарочито шаховске сатове).

Пријаве за турнир можете послати на dejan@outlook.com или можете позвати Дејана Суботића на (425)444-4595. Што прије се пријавите, то боље, да би организатори знали колико јела да припреме.

Слободно прослиједите ову поруку свима који мислите да би били заинтересовани.

14916 239th Place SE
Issaquah, Washington 98027

У име организационог одбора,
Дејан Суботић


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There will be no Reader’s Service this Sunday

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

I just got back from the doctor and he says that I will not be able to serve this coming Saturday and Sunday. I have to stay home.

There will be a Reader’s Service this Sunday.

Remember that our Annual Meeting will be on Feb. 17, 2013.

Please pray for me!

Fr. Ilija